Electronic Chart Display Information System (ECDIS)


Course also known as: ECDIS

Australia’s best value Electronic Chart Display Information System (ECDIS) course, delivered by highly rated instructors using a state-of-the-art ECDIS laboratory integrated with bridge control, RADAR, AIS and ARPA.

AMSA-approved ECDIS training that also provides the certification required to work on vessels fitted with Kongsberg equipment.

Who should participate? 

Pilots and officers who wish to gain certification to take charge of a navigational watch on an Electronic Chart Display Information System (ECDIS) compliant vessel, along with experienced nautical officers and other people with navigational responsibilities on an ECDIS compliant vessel.

Course Entry Guidance

  • Participants should have achieved some formal instruction in Terrestrial Navigation, have some familiarisation with visual navigation, achieved a period of supervised bridge watch-keeping duties and completed basic Radar/ARPA.


The following certificates will be issued by AMC to participants who successfully complete* the course:

  • ECDIS General Operator (AMSA approved), meeting the requirements of STCW Reg II/1 & II/2 and Code Sections A-II/1 & A-II/2, Tables A-II/1 & A-II/2
  • ECDIS Training on Kongsberg

*100% attendance, full participation and completion of all exercises is required.

Approved By

Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA). 

The course is AMSA approved as meeting the requirements of STCW 78 as amended, Reg II/1 and Code Section A-II/1, Table A-II/1, Marine Order 70 and IMO Model Course 1.27.
Participants are entitled to apply to the Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA) for an endorsement on your Certificate.

Accepted By 

Antigua and Barbuda Department of Marine Services and Merchant Shipping  |  Bahamas Maritime Authority  |  Bermuda Shipping and Maritime Authority  |  Maritime Authority of the Cayman Islands  |  Marine Department of Hong Kong  |  Liberian Registry  |  Republic of Marshall Islands Maritime Administrator  |  Panama Maritime Authority.


  • Duration: 5 days
  • AMSA Approved Course
  • Course Options: (GST exempt)
    08-12 July 2024 | Launceston, TAS | $3,470 Join Waitlist
    02-06 December 2024 | Launceston, TAS | $3,470 Join Waitlist
  • Course available on demand

    This course is available on demand, delivered at various locations. To express interest, please contact us.

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