AMC Search Supports Veterans' Health Week 2021

Supporting the health and wellbeing of veterans, Get Moving (physical activity) was the key focus for this year’s Veterans’ Health Week.

November 04, 2021

As a lead into Veterans Health Week 2021, AMC Search supported the Launceston South Sub-Branch of the Naval Association Australia (, by providing a bus and driver, to take veterans and families to the east coast of Tasmania. The ex-service personnel served in the Royal Australian Navy during the Vietnam War era, serving in the Aviation, Marine Engineering, Maritime Logistics and Musician categories. The camaraderie of all involved was enhanced from the days interactions.

The purpose of the day was not only around the 2021 focus of Get Moving, it was about supporting each other and ensuring each member's mental and physical health was being catered for. The NAA took the opportunity to support part of the local maritime industry through visiting the Mainly Maritime Museum ( at St Helens.  The museum is filled with naval, maritime and space history, including naval documentation and publications, dating back 6 centuries. As an example, there is a file on all RAN vessels, commissioned and decommissioned, which includes signature cards for all Commanding Officers (not all have been signed) and pictures of significant periods during the vessel’s service.

AMC / AMC Search are an avid supporter of the veteran community and are also an employer of several veterans across a number of sections and disciplines.